Thursday, February 21, 2008

I Accuse! "s/t"

I love this record. There are plenty of bands who play fast hardcore, but there is a quality to this lil platter that can't be recreated. I Accuse! play their songs recklessly; to the point where I'd assume their recording session must've been a mess. I saw these guys in Youngstown, OH a couple of years ago and they pretty much replicated the instense, tuneful mess that their 7" presents. I happen to be a big fan of bands with that almost out of control sound- Void, Gang Green, Otophobia, stuff like that. I Accuse is sloppier, with a more youthful feel than those bands, but a similar all-out approach to their tunes. For those of you intereste, here's a little linky to the 7". But if you're a TRUE fucking punk, you'll head on over to and buy the fuckin' thing. It's worth the money, AND you can find plenty of other awesome records to get into.

Time for some beef. Just recently, IA came around this area on tour, but they played in one of those sort of a venue sort of not places, and I wasn't cool enough to get the address. FUCK that. And while I'm at it, if you're going to have a show in your house, I understand not giving the address out on the internet. I DON'T understand being a lit
tle priss and not replying to polite emails requesting the address, or worse, replying the day AFTER the show in question. I'm looking at you, New Brunswick.

Just an observation, now that Chris Therien is no longer eternally hustling to keep up with Jaromir Jagr, he seems to have let himself go. Dude is looking like Dan Aykroyd.

Finally, some administrative issues- I will be taking down all links to songs after 7 days. Sorry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great post, I Accuse rules. I apologize if it was one of my New Brunswick basement shows you couldn't get the address to. In the past people have tried e-mailing me the day of the show for the address, and I've been busy and couldn't get back to them. The rest of New Brunswick sucks.